Abstract Submissions
Accepted abstracts may be presented in oral or poster format. Lead authors will be notified of date and presentation style upon acceptance. Schedule dates and times final. Submissions with the highest scores qualify for podium presentations. Abstracts are graded by members of the NRBC Program Committee.
Abstract Submission requirements are listed below. Failure to comply may result in disqualification.
- Submission deadline: 12:00 am EDT, July 13, 2025
- Abstracts should be submitted electronically at https://www.northeastregionburnconference.org , using the designated ABA format of Title, Author(s), Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion, Applicability to Practice and Funding.
- Submissions are limited to 2,500 characters, Calibri 11 font. This includes abstract title, authors, and content. Authors should be limited to name only. Characters includes letters, numbers and punctuation. Due to site limitations, Special Characters and Tables may not be used, however, if accepted, can be featured on poster or podium presentations.
- Abstracts may not contain product commercial names, organizations or any other identifying information
- If accepted, Podium presentations are allotted 12 minutes, with 2-3 minutes for Q&A. Poster presentations are limited to 05 minutes each.
- Due to slotting concerns, if an institution is submitting multiple abstracts, there must be more than one presenter, otherwise Abstracts may be disqualified.
For additional information or questions, please contact [email protected]; or [email protected].
2025 Northeast Region Burn Conference
Scientific Program Abstract Submission Form
Deadline for submission is 12:00am EDT, July 13, 2025